Michelle Yun

Michelle Yun

Michelle Yun grew up in Mukilteo, Washington. Ever since she was young, she loved to work with her hands. When she discovered jewelry making in high school, there was an instant connection working with metal and hand fabrication.

She pursued Jewelry and Metalsmithing at Massachusetts College of Art and Design and received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in May 2018. She was a participant of New York Jewelry Week 2018 “One for the Future”, recognizing emerging talents and was also a part of Milano Jewelry Week in 2019.

As a Korean-American, her artwork embraces the essence of traditional Korean art and repetitive geometric sequences. While using geometry as her ruler, she strives for the hands to become invisible in the work as a means to look machine made, but never being able to reach complete perfection. During the process, she learns to let herself go and accept the beauty of human imperfection.

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